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Saturday 14 September 2024




Group Exhibition

Republished post September 2024

'Above Blue Skies & Ethereal Freedom'
Oil on Canvas

This exhibition was curated by Tracy Stirzaker 


18th April to 6th May 2024

188 Katoomba Road, Katoomba 
Open Thursday to Monday 10am to 4pm

Is a group exhibition, of 11 ladies telling their story of resilience, growth & hope through art. Curated by Tracy Stirzaker.  

As Syndy Esteves, I will be featuring at least 3 paintings in this exhibition out of  5 that I placed in the exhibition.  
SYNDY ESTEVES Incandescent Group Exhibition NWC GALLERY .Please refer to the link for an on line exclusive of my work and also all the artists and the gallery itself.

Syndy  Esteves


Cinzia (Syndy) Esteves is an Australian visual artist and has a Bachelor of fine arts with honours from University of NSW. She also attended Julian Ashton classes for portraiture in 2019 and 2020.  Syndy, being her artist name & her art signature name, is an oil painter and drawer, writer and a brumby advocate.  Her artwork stretches the boundaries between art & politics by giving a voice to the wild brumbies that roam Kosciusko National Park. Syndy has been awarded 3 consecutive (2021,2022,2023) certificates of artistic achievements from the Luxemburg Art Prize. Syndy has also exhibited in the art hotel in Sydney in 2022, at Equitana in November 2022 as well. In 2019 at white rhino Artspace for her first solo exhibition. Syndy also feature in the Artist Close Up Magazine in October edition 2023, and in an online interview blog, again featured by Artist Close Up Magazine. Syndy runs two blogs, and 2 Facebook pages. One being for her art as Syndy Artist and the other for the advocacy of the brumbies under Free The Brumbies.

Incandescent for Syndy relates the hope that a single ray of light can give to any given experience and situation. In her love of art, philosophy & political theories, Syndy was not only able to achieve a voice for the brumbies but relate and use her art to bring awareness to our human condition that effects our environment and our fauna. It was inevitable that her journey took her here, not only by chance but by a chain of mnemonic experiences & events that linked her research of family and the individual of the everyday life starting from her childhood love of horses.

The political upheaval of the brumbies magnifies the problems of our human condition that governs the environmental management of flora and fauna. By using portraiture Syndy gives voice to the sentient by having their history and backstory attached to each individual brumby portrait. The brumbies are wild brumbies captured from Kosciuszko National Park and rehomed to primary rehomer Clearview Brumby Rescue. Each with a family and a story to tell. The theories of freedom, labels, Speciesism, family, and hierarchy are challenged as well as the rights of animals questioned within our society via Portraiture. 

By using her art Syndy can combine the understanding of the sentient via Portraiture, to express that these animals are not just animals but sentients. Giving a different perspective, that maybe we should rethink our citadels and our laws regarding animals, especially horses that have given so much in the history of our relationship with them. They are not just a commodity, but they are a sentient with families, hierarchies, and absolute spirit. Hence, the experience of each painting or drawing is personal and like with a human subject, their portrait relates their standing in life via their story, speaking to the spectator. (photo on left work of 'Arrow Boy & the Death Of Kheiron.') Photo reference below of Karen Ferguson Photographer.


 For the process of using portraiture and ethereal connections, each brumby is carefully chosen and with the help of real references from a few wildlife photographers.

Karen Ferguson 🐎, is a brumby photographer that has intimate relation to these brumbies.  Syndy was introduced to Karen via her advocacy and in the process has developed a relationship with Karen that can translate ethereally the individual brumby as a subject and bring him to life via Karen’s references, his/her/their experiences and give voice to each brumby named, relating events, history family, and references of theories to bring each subject to life.

This method is also employed to the rehomed brumbies of Clearview Brumby Rescue, as mentioned before. Having relations with Moreen and Paul and Karen (another Karen) their volunteer trainer, and abundance of information of the everyday life of each brumby that is rescued relating their struggle from wild to rehomed and their documented everyday life and transition from a free wild brumby to a rehomed wild brumby.

Now also another photographer named Bronwyn Foster a retired professional photographer that has recently taken photographs of the last load of brumbies at Clearview Brumby Rescue. Hence the documentation of the process is vast, as we identify the trapped brumbies to record where they came from, which mob they may have come from and locate family members as we go. This of course is the advocacy process that starts to relate the stories and hence the subjects chosen begin here.



MAKING FRIENDS FOR ART SAKE Photo left is Spirit of the Mountain with  lead mare, at Clearview Brumby Rescue.  

Syndy’s love of horses had begun early in childhood, but unlike most children that have this connection, they have a real-life experience of the horse. Syndy’s was always ethereal. Starting from just the love of animals, to Pippi long Stockings and her white horse, and always that desire of one day owning a horse.

With the first conversation with Moreen Levin of Clearview brumby Rescue, in 2020, it was evident to Syndy she was talking to a real cow girl that lived with horses all her life. Therefore Syndy had to expand her knowledge and Moreen and Paul have been her mentor and teachers when it comes to horses, especially brumbies.

Syndy decided that to really get this part of her art connected to her she had to somehow experience the real world of the brumby rehomed. Hence in February 2022, for the first time in her life she not only entered through the gates of a farm in the middle of QLD outback, but also went out of her comfort zone in all aspects.

The main experience was not only to see cows, farm dogs and domesticated horses, but also 50 wild brumbies, that were there at the time, that had been rehomed to Clearview.  That meant she spent time with the wild brumbies running wild on the acreage and experiencing them at proximity as wild brumbies are very inquisitive and are different to domesticated horses.  

So, there she met 2 special brumbies that had been rehomed. One was Spirit of the Mountain, that she had drawn a few times and had started an oil painting that was at the grisaille stage, using a photo reference form Karen Ferguson of Spirit while in the wild, when he was named Elby’s dad by Karen. The other was one that she had drawn in ink being a bachelor that was just captured named Shadow by Karen and kept his wild name.

Once back in her studio, and 30 or so sittings later, at the end of October 2022, she finally finished the portrait of Spirit of the mountain, having met him in person. Not long after the painting of Shadow was finished also. Both portraits are brumbies that were wild and now live at Clearview brumby rescue permanently and Syndy not only met the brumby but had developed a real experience connection to these 2 brumbies.
After 30 sittings totalling of a minimum of 180 hrs of work, Spirit of the Mountain was finished. Formally known as Elby's dad, a king stallion in Kosciuzsko National Park, he sired an extensive family, before being rehomed to Clearview in 2020 where he is now safe.  
'Above Blue Skies & Ethereal Freedom'
Oil on Canvas
All artworks of Syndy Esteves exhibited in the INCANDESCENT will have 20 percent of the artist price given to Clearview Brumby Rescue and some to the Transport Fund by NSW Brumbies & Free the Brumbies. 


Syndy started FREE THE BRUMBIES 🐎 due to a chain of event in her everyday life that brought her to this journey. At the end of 2020 Syndy was investigating and gathering information on horses as sentients and stumbled across the Facebook pages of the brumbies. In reading through she became intrigued and gathered information and asking herself how well what the argument between the brumby and the government and the rangers is, why are they considered feral and so on.

Then in approaching a lady named Moreen Levin of Clearview Brumby Rescue, (Photo on left of Moreen with her brumbies) and leaving a message to the lady, via messenger, the whole thing snowballed within 2 weeks of her text. Starting with propaganda posters, to other advocacy parts Free the brumbies fb page was started and now it has 1.3k followers. Syndy runs also a non-registered  transport fund for the rehomers, with Rachel Islington and Karen Ferguson. Syndy also attended Equitana in 2022 and with Moreen Levin and Bree Nai, organised to promote the brumbies as a natural breed with a whole group of rehomers forming AUS Brumby Rehomers united using also one of Syndy’s ink drawings of Shadow as the logo.

Syndy keeps her advocacy separate to the art, but it is entangled as part of the advocacy. Through research and writing and her poetry and art is reflective of the everyday events of the brumbies as they are captured, ground culled or aerial culled.  Thus, It is a very fine line that pushes the boundary between art as for art sake of our everyday life or art as a political stand in our everyday life. Syndy has made a point that the political side for her is done as an advocate and not to be blurred with the idea of the activist. As activism is more ‘performed’ for the rights and fights against for the rights of something and advocacy is instead voiced by writing and providing information for viewers to make up their own mind.  She thus remains an advocate and NOT an activist. The aim is to bring awareness on the horse as a sentient and to respect the past that the brumbies gave us through their ancestral DNA that is now being registered and recorded from many rehomed brumbies.

Having then created a manifesto for the brumbies in 2021 and also attaching the history of each brumby with their family background, and documenting the stories of each brumby as they live through natural selection, culling, rehoming and finding a forever home. These are now greeting cards that with each painting or drawing is done so the voice of the brumbies can be heard. Each individual story told with the hope that their voice can be heard, and promote better management of these sentients without  lethal ground culling, without aerial culling and without sending them to  Knackeries. 

When we see a field of dandelions all we see is a sea of wishes.  

I would like to thank NWC and Tracy Stirzaker, for the opportunity to voice once again the brumby. Their story, my story on the journey of the snowy mountain brumbies. 

SYNDY ESTEVES Incandescent Group Exhibition NWC GALLERY .

NOTE: for all inventory of all other artworks please refer to Equitana post from 2022.

Friday 13 September 2024





republished post September 2024


Figure 1

Spirit of the Mountain in the wild  

Oil Painting on Stretched 12gm cotton canvas 
133cm x 96.5cm
Photograph reference Karen Ferguson Wildlife Photographer
Not for Sale.

ARTWORK VALUE:  $ 6000.00
20%  of the ARTIST PRICE will go to the Clearview Brumby Rescue

A2 art prints available on request.

GREETING CARDS A5: available on request.
Representing Clearview Brumby Rescue QLD.
100% of revenue is given to Clearview Brumby Rescue

Figure 2

Irish a wild brumby  2022

Oil Painting on Stretched 12gm cotton canvas 
133cm x 96.5cm x 3cm
Photograph reference Karen Ferguson Wildlife Photographer

ARTWORK:  $ 4300.00
20% of the revenue will go to Clearview Brumby Rescue

A2 art prints available on request.

GREETING CARDS A5: $10.00 each
Representing Clearview Brumby Rescue QLD.
50% of revenue is given to Clearview Brumby Rescue

Figure 3

Pink Snip (Also known as Bestie and Apollo.)  Wild brumby  2022

Oil Painting on Stretched 12gm cotton canvas 
133cm x 96.5cm x 3cm
Photograph reference Ian Brown Wildlife Photographer

ARTWORK:  $ 3600.00
Seeing the Soul: Hoofbeats Sanctuary Art Prize and Exhibition
2024: 20 % of revenue will be given to the transport fund.

A2 prints available on request.

GREETING CARDS A5: on request
Representing AUS Brumby Rehomes United .
50% of revenue is given to Clearview Brumby Rescue.


Figure 4

Arrow Boy a wild brumby 2021
Arrow boy was lethally culled on September 10, 2022.
In remembrance of all brumbies culled
(see Poem Below)
Oil Painting on Stretched 12gm cotton canvas 
76cm x 56cm x 4cm
Photograph reference Karen Ferguson Wildlife Photographer


GREETING CARDS A5:  on request with poem
100% of revenue is given to TRANSPORT FUND

Figure 5

Shadow a wild brumby  2021

Oil Painting on Stretched 12gm cotton canvas 
76cm x 56cm x 4cm
Photograph reference Karen Ferguson Wildlife Photographer

ARTWORK:  $ 2000.00 
20% of the ARTIST PRICE will go to the Clearview Brumby Rescue

A2 art prints available on request.

GREETING CARDS A5: $10.00 each
Representing Clearview Brumby Rescue QLD.
Profit is given to Clearview Brumby Rescue



Figure 6

In memory of Sunshine a wild filly brumby, of the Sunshine Mob.
Born September 2020 died before Christmas 2020 

Oil Painting 'alla prima' on Stretched 12gm cotton canvas 
66cm x 56cm x 4cm
Photograph reference Karen Ferguson Wildlife Photographer

ARTWORK:  $ 1800.00

20% of the ARTIST PRICE will go to the Clearview Brumby Rescue

A2 art prints available on request.

GREETING CARDS A5:  $10.00 each
Representing Clearview Brumby Rescue QLD.
50% of revenue is given to Clearview Brumby Rescue


Figure 7

Smokey a wild brumby Born July 2022, 
Smokey is Sunshine's sibling of the Sunshine mob.

Oil Painting 'alla prima' on Stretched 12gm cotton canvas 
66cm x 56cm x 4cm
Photograph reference Karen Ferguson Wildlife Photographer

ARTWORK:  $ 1300.00
Seeing the Soul: Hoofbeats Sanctuary Art Prize and Exhibition 

A2 art prints available on request.

GREETING CARDS A5:  $10.00 each
Representing Clearview Brumby Rescue QLD.
50% of revenue is given to Clearview Brumby Rescue


Figure 8

Mischief & Aussie Born July 2022, 
Mischief born to mare Sassy & Aussie born to mare Scarlet.

Oil Painting 'alla prima' on Stretched 12gm cotton canvas 
66cm x 56cm x 4cm

Photograph reference Clearview Brumby Rescue

ARTWORK:  $ 1800.00 

20% of the ARTIST PRICE will go to the Clearview Brumby Rescue

A2 art prints available on request.

GREETING CARDS A5:  $10.00 each
Representing Clearview Brumby Rescue QLD.
50% of revenue is given to Clearview Brumby Rescue


Figure 9
Tadpole (on right) & Swifty Born at Clearview 2023.
(Tadpole has been rehomed to a forever home and has a new name.)

Oil Painting 'alla prima' on Stretched 12gm cotton canvas 

76cm x 56cm x 4cm

Photograph reference Clearview Brumby Rescue

ARTWORK:  $ 2200.00 

20% of the ARTIST PRICE will go to the Clearview Brumby Rescue

A2 art prints available on request.

GREETING CARDS A5:  $10.00 each
Representing Clearview Brumby Rescue QLD.
50% of revenue is given to Clearview Brumby Rescue




All drawings are on A3 white or black paper, all signed. 
Each come with own protective folder and sticker to place at back of  you own frames for authenticity & all come with a complimentary greeting card. 

Figure 10

 'Dreams are made by wishing upon a  Dandelion' 2022
Brin Charlotte and Ziggy rehomed  2021

Rotring tikki graphic ink pens, willow charcoal, graphite, faber castell colour pencils, Staedtler tri plus fine liner on A3 acid free paper 300gm. 
Photograph reference Michelle Brown Photographer

ARTWORK:  $ 480.00  
GREETING CARDS A5: on request
Representing Indigo Brumbies
50% of revenue is given to the rehomers named on drawing.

A3 prints available on request.


Figure 11

 'Under the Southern star, the dandelions sway in the wind' 2022
Southern Star NSW Glenugie Forest brumby 2022 

Derwent colour pencil & Rembrandt pastels on A3 acid free paper 300gm. 
Photograph reference by Red Earth Brumbies.

ARTWORK:  $ 250.00  GREETING CARDS A5: on request
Representing Red Earth Brumbies
50% of revenue is given to the rehomers named on drawing.

A3 art prints available on request.


Figure 12

 'A Dandelion's past, makes tomorrow's wishes' 2022
Marley  rehomed NSW Bago brumby 2021 

Rotring tikki graphic ink pens, willow charcoal, graphite, faber castell colour pencils, Staedtler tri plus fine liner on A3 acid free paper 300gm. 
Photograph reference by Breez Horse Transport

ARTWORK:  $ 350.00  GREETING CARDS A5: $10.00 each
Representing Breez Horse Transport
50% of revenue is given to the the transport fund.
A3 art prints available on request.


Figure 13

'Annie is running through the dandelions now' Feb 2022 
Annie in the wild when found.  

Rotring tikki graphic ink pens, white charcoal, willow charcoal, graphite, faber castell pitt pens, Staedtler tri plus fine liner . 
Photo reference Karen Ferguson Wildlife Photographer.

ARTWORK:  $450.00  GREETING CARDS A5: $10.00 each
Representing White Alpine Equine
50% of revenue is given to the rehomers named on drawing.
A3 art prints available on request.


Figure 14

 'Dreaming Dandelions'  2021
Atlas rehomed KNP brumby 2021 

Derwent colour pencil on A3 Black Canson paper. 

Photograph reference by Clearview Brumby Rescue QLD.
ARTWORK:  $ 350.00  
GREETING CARDS A5 available on request  
Representing Clearview Brumby Rescue
50% of revenue is given to the rehomers named on drawing.
A3 art prints available on request.


Figure 15

'Elby in the snow' 2021 
Elby in KNP 2020 

Polychromos Colour pencils on A3 canson Paper 225 gm. 

Photo reference Karen Ferguson

Artwork Gifted not available
GREETING CARDS on request. 
Representing New England Brumby Sanctuary (NEBS)
 50% of revenue is given to the rehomers named on drawing.
A3 art prints available on request.



Figure 16 

'I am the mountain, the wind, and the rain. I am a KNP Brumby.' 2021
Elby in KNP with family sibling. 2021. 

Polychromo colour pencil on A3 canson paper 225gm. 
Photo reference of Elby by Karen Ferguson wildlife photographer
ARTWORK: $ 300.00  
100 of revenue is given to TRANSPORT FUND

A3 prints available on request.


Figure 17

'Arrow Boy Eating the wild Dandelions' 2021.
 KNP Brumby in the wild 2021,  lethally shot in September 2022. 
In remembrance of the Fallen brumbies

In china ink and rotring tikki graphic  ink pens on white A3 canson paper 225gm.

Photo reference by Karen Ferguson wildlife photographer

 Artwork sold not available
A5 cards $15.00 with Poem.  
In memory of all the fallen brumbies by lethal culling 
100 of revenue is given to TRANSPORT FUND

A3 prints available on request.


Figure 18

‘I am the wind, the mountain and the earth,  I am a Brumby’  
Soulman, a Kiandra KNP Brumby 2021 

Polychromos on black A3 paper 

Photo reference from Melbourne Brumby Rehomers

Not available

 GREETING CARDS: on request
Representing Melbourne Brumby Rehomers
100% of revenue is given to the rehomers named on drawing.

A3 prints available on request.


Figure 19 
'I am the twilight of the wild dandelions, I am Shadow, I am a wild brumby.' 2021
KNP Brumby Rehomed to Clearview brumby rescue in 2021
 Shadow in KNP' 2020/21 
Rotring tikki praphic pens china ink white charcoal on white and graphite. 
A3 canson paper 225gm  

Photo reference Wild life photographer Karen Ferguson.

Representing AUS Brumby Rehomers United
A3 prints available on request.


Figure 20 

'Amongst the tall grass and the wild dandelions' 2021
KNP Wild Brumby 2021. 

Oil pastels and white graphite experimental drawing. 
On A3 black Canson paper 140gm.

 Photo reference Karen Ferguson

ARTWORK:  Sold not available
GREETING CARDS:  on request
Representing Heritage Horses in Harmony
50% of revenue is given to Heritage Horses in Harmony
A3 prints available on request.




All Paintings are in oil using generally a restricted palette where I make my colours using the primaries in different shades, to mix other colours like blacks and greens and greys. Sometimes lump & Ivory black are used also.  I paint in oils the old fashion way with linseed oil only.  I sketch in pencil then 'grisaille' in a colour/s and then do multiple sittings, to create layers.  
The foal portraits are painted  'Alla Prima'.
All have continuous  painted edges. 
 Paints brands used are mainly Winsor & Newton,  & Gamblin.
I stretch my own canvases using either 3cm thick birch hardwood stretchers for large paintings or a 4cm thick softwood pine, that has rounded edges for smaller paintings.  Using 12mm unprimed canvas, the surface is prepared and primed with either a 3 layer of thicker gesso or a 5 layer of  gesso. 

Each subject used has a story and background attached to them each have families.  
The subjects are real live brumbies either still in the wild, rehomed or now deceased. 
All  artworks are originals & when sold,  Syndy Esteves of Syndy Artist retains copyright of the 'photographed image'.
The original references used are noted on each, and I always use multiple photographs to find the 'essence & personality' of the brumby/ies  that I am painting.  
My profound thanks to Wildlife photographers Karen Ferguson,  Ian Brown & Michelle Brown for their permissions, and to all the rehomers for their references and stories.  



When I first heard of the wild brumbies,  regarded as an invasive species, I could not help but think of the wild Dandelions. The flora and fauna regarded as invasive species has been introduced ongoing in Australia since 1788, when the first ships came to take what then they called 'Terra Nullius' . This in Latin translates to 'land that belongs to no one'. The translation given in English is 'Territory without Master'. We now know how wrong this was as the indigenous most certainly owned their land, as they were here first. But as usual 'Prometheus' being 'the progress of civilisation' makes his own rules.  
We do know that in our world, wars are still on going for 'territory' and other that touch on 'property' and 'superiority', such as slavery and other unethical conditions that make part of our 'human condition'.  These are all still alive and well and all in the name of 'Power'.

Hence, if this is how we are to each other, what chance does an animal have, or our environment.
Slowly in the 20th century some steps were taken to protect forests and thus, national parks were created to retain the preservation of our natural environment.
But this began a inclusive exclusive of what is native or not native. This honestly can be argued as we have now for over 200 years in Australia, changed the natural environment. How can you revert back to 1788, and why should we?  This is not about 'protecting' the native animals as we also know that for example, Koala habitats are being cut down and Koalas have become an endangered species. Also Kangaroos are considered 'pests' and are not really protected, as you can hunt them, like deer and pigs.  

In other parts of the world these problems also relate in different ways. Europe having had 'invasive species' taking over for the past 2000 years are now looking at re-wildering, species in areas long gone. They too are studying the affects of introduced species. 🌴
In Europe the re-wildering in Maremma, Italy,  for example, is trying to reintroduce farming within the natural context of  the environment so the two co exist together.
North America is  pretty much like Australia and they too have their own criteria's especially on Wild Mustangs.  

What I see is how the world is conditioned by their own ideas and then all follow suit per se. Each wanting to retain their own 'pocket of unique' environment.  But what I don't see is the 'Earth' as a whole. Immigration is part of the world structure, and has been for millions of years.  So thus, I don't understand how an animal can be invasive on earth if it comes from earth. What is it destroying? The idea of what we think should the environment be? Nature always looked after herself, as,  I mean, should we then bring back dinosaurs?  They became extinct for a reason.  Why can't we just let evolution be, and let nature repair herself, at the challenges we give it? 

In reality the brumbies and the numbers of these animals is nothing compared to the numbers of humans populating the world. We cramp all animals in pockets of conservation areas and then deem others animals 'invasive' as their is little room for the native ones in the first place.  Then for example when a kangaroo trespasses' 'private property it is shot, by some. They are native, so I don't get the logic, as in reality then, any animal is 'invasive' under the guile of property.  

   We are a long way from answers but in the meantime let us be more ethical in the choices of our management of wild brumbies, at least.  



This painting was painted while Arrow Boy was alive and thriving. My painting process was difficult on an ethereal level.  Eventually it was finished by July 2022. 
 The research relates the will to survive against all odds. But as the ethereal process had taken me from removing a grass background to a sky background, on the 11th of September 2022,  I was sent a message that Arrow Boy was one of the lethally Culled brumbies by KNP. I have thus taken the painting off sale as I cannot retain the thought putting a price on his head, as his memory remains priceless. How much is he worth? 


Arrow Boy is a Kosciuzsko Brumby that in 2020 was hit by an arrow and survived the ordeal, unlike his mate, who died of his arrow wounds. 

This of course gives us the discourse of free will, as to why would make someone do such a thing? Is that then free will or the conception of conditioning, which is, ‘it was ok’ because these animals are considered feral by the government. This questions the will regarding ‘the good’ as well as to rationality and the human within the human condition. There are many tangents attached to this and we can look at the Philosopher Arrow, and Arrow’s theorem, regarding the ‘social choice’ theories.

 I thus decided the fitting title regarding this story is ‘the death of Kheiron’ (Chiron). When Kheiron dies, becoming mortal to relieve himself of his eternal pain the arrow wound was causing, Zeus then finally releases Prometheus, of his suffering as Heracles asks Zeus to release Prometheus of his suffering, thus Kheiron dies of his wounds and becomes mortal. This of course ties my painting ‘The problem with Prometheus,’ continuing the same discourse of the ‘human condition’ and his modernity.

I attached this to Arrow boy as when his friend died because he was ‘mortal,’ I liken thus, Arrow Boy to the story of Kheiron as Kheiron in spirit may not be as strong as our Arrow boy, in the will to survive. Arrow Boy’s survival can be due to several things. Luck maybe, but what of strong DNA as Brumbies have now been related to have strong DNA ties to rare horse breeds and a number, have the strong genes of the Walers to boot.

Attaching ethereally such stories, is a way to remind the viewers that we as mortal humans have had the conflict that we see today is our citadels for centuries. Cities change faces but the fundamentals of the human condition plagues us continually. As in Prometheus, name in Greek mythology as the giver of invention to the human by giving him ‘fire.’   A simple version of the story can be found here

The story was also used at first by Shelley when she wrote Frankenstein. Relating the book as the modern Prometheus, as the professor is likened to Prometheus for giving back ‘immortality’ to the mortal human, a modern twist in reverse. Shelley attaches many tangents also relating to love and the female condition of her time. For me, the link gave birth in my view, to the modern problem of ‘Prometheus’ as I relate the science part of Prometheus to the problem of our modern citadels. Hence the title of my second painting ‘The problem with Prometheus.

The Brumbies are innocent creatures that in their sentient self, suffer, because of our modern cities that has caused the chaos of our environment that we live in today. From Global warming to the destruction of pristine land for our own commodities whether it be for urbanisation, mining, or overproduction to keep the ‘overcrowding’ of our humanity alive. Because the truth is, the biggest number of living things that are destroying our planet are called humans. Animals are a minority in the problem when weighed against our human condition and our own numbers.

We are arguing against a false number related of first fourteen thousand now six thousand brumbies, in which the number may be more under three thousand, but if we were to compare that to the human number, (oh we cannot do that in case we are seen as anthropomorphic in ideals). How ridiculous are the numbers argued when compared to the human numbers that are overcrowding our planet Earth. This problem was related by several philosophers,  and in the philosopher Huxley, we now understand too well what he meant by overpopulation.

This comparison is only to relate ‘common sense’ ‘will and free will’ ‘freedom’ and ‘human’ within the context of our created world. Are we willing to continue with our ways, then, when we now know the suffering of animals imposed under our human conditions of ‘the human condition.’   Singer explains this very well. We also do have free will to choose.

"Arrow Boy is still wild and hopefully somewhere chewing on green grass. Trapping continues in Kosciuszko and no changes are foreseen for the near future. We can only hope if caught he is rehomed. My prayers are with you Arrow Boy." 2022

Arrow boy was ground culled short after this writing. He was culled in September 11th 2022 with another 12, in total 17 counting the aborted fetuses.










As tears roll down my face,

I cannot help but think where the wind will sway,

& Although I never met you, I knew you all too well

Through your reclusive ways & your saddened eyes,


I had been told that you had found a friend & shared some time,

But lost your friend, some time ago, by an arrow thrown.

& You wore the mark of that fatal day in many ways, 

Seen on your mind, and behind that stare, I understood whom you had become.

& How so I admired your will to live, & yet again you were alone, a king alone.


I never met you, & yet I know you well, but now, never shall we meet.

For I was told how you found your peace with your love and new family,

But then, a tragic tale did unfold. 

Eleven family members, all of which died by a shot gun done,

Without a sound, without a word, without a thought.

Your whole family lies slain & the image of you,

on your side with Arrow mark, at your repose.

& The pictures of the mares that post aborted as nature took its toll

& More pictures of all your family, with news of you are here to view.

For all the world, not just a few.


 Three days have passed since the sad news reached my ears,

& Yet, my eyes are still full of tears.

& I thought of how, I sat for hours this last year,

Trying to put your soul to brush, & stroke by stroke,

& yet, I could not understand, My own guiding soul.


But now I do, hence, the sky surrounds your face,

For you are now in the forever fields of the wild dandelions to run free.

& I hear the faint sound of you, whistle in the wind,


 As you run free with your family,

Away, away, from evil eyes and dangerous sounds

& All of us here can only weep & shed but tears,

For our Arrow boy is here no more, except in our hearts and our saddened thoughts.

Series 3 LXIII 2022.09.13

Syndy Esteves

Please respect copyrights and intellectual property.

Painting : Arrow Boy & the death of Keiron. August 2022

Photo reference used Karen Ferguson

Free The Brumbies by Syndy Esteves




 Oil Painting on stretched cotton canvas 133cm x  96.5cm
Photo reference Karen Ferguson Wildlife Photographer

 The research on sentient and portrait 2022

The story of Spirit, as you already know, he was a king of stallions in KNP having sired offspring’s and had a good standing in the horse world as well as a close family unit and bond. He was captured, rehomed, and mourned his family for a while before he accepted any other mare given to him to keep him as a horse should be kept. Yes, mourned his family, but now accepted his new family and living happily rehomed in his forever home.

It is difficult to make the references without people misunderstanding that I am giving a ‘human reference’ to a horse, when I relate family or offspring, but to make it clear my reference to the sentient is to the horse being a ‘sentient’ not a ‘human.’ We need to understand that we are not the only sentients on this earth and there are several of ‘sentient beings’ within the animal kingdom.

In explanation, if ever you see any reference of mine regarding a horse, or any other animal per se, that sometimes uses the analogy of the human, please understand that it is only used to give a better understanding of what a sentient is, but not saying at any time that a horse is a human or has human characteristics or vice versa. We should thus, not mistake the species identity in reference to speciesism. But do refer to a sentient of any sentient species to be a sentient within their own rights. Therefore, the term of anthropomorphic references does not apply here, that being an animal with human characteristics, or any other theory attached to the term. But what is implied is the references to speciesism, and this is mostly at the forefront, especially in reference to Singer and his book Animal Liberation, where he defines speciesism as “…a prejudice or attitude of bias in favour of the interests of members of one’s own species and against those of members of other species…” He also relates the philosophical idea to … ‘treat one animal’s life as more valuable than another’s ….’ Therefore, empathy is used by me to simplify the understanding. This is done via the analogy of ‘the human’ to the horse.

In my view, I think to myself, Would I like to be treated that way, so thus relate the means back to the human as per our human condition sometimes removes us from the empathy as we see animals as a commodity. But in no way referring to the horse being of human characteristics or the human of having horse characteristics. We are all unique, and each species is unique, and we must not misunderstand the intent of what is meant by sentient.

This takes me now to the portrait itself. The horse pictured and painted as a portrait as a human would otherwise be painted in a portrait, is to establish the fact that within portraiture we have hierarchy, we have intent, we have subject, we have ‘family,’ we have the ‘individual’ and the subject also engaging or not engaging the spectator. Thus, relate that a horse, this horse, has family, is unique and an individual as a horse, he also has hierarchy within his species, they are sentient, and are also intelligent, so, can engage, and speak to the viewer as a human can in any portrait. A sentient not a human but a sentient. A sentient horse named Spirit of the Mountain by the persons that now have him as their ‘property’ as in reference to our citadel and our ‘Prometheus’ world.










research 2021
 Annie,  a beautiful orphaned filly, with a hopeful beginning and a sad end,  was a reminder of how nature looks after itself. Annie confirmed the question of 'what is natural selection' . Thus it prompted the need for me to draw this beautiful filly. Annie's story begins around the end of September of 2021 with Karen Ferguson a wild life photographer.  

Annie was a little filly found orphaned by Karen Ferguson on one of her Photographic expeditions to Photograph brumbies, in the Kosciusko National Park.  She rescued her and Nikki Alberts of White Alpine took her in, but despite all efforts she passed away suddenly to the forever fields of the dandelions. 🐎🐎Following are the written events as per the post in 'The Keepers Pocket - Photography by Karen Ferguson' FB page  written by Karen on the post dated 30th October 2021, the post reads as follows, and quote:

Annie in KNP Photo reference used.
Photo by Karen Ferguson
 "I've been wanting to share the story of this little girl, but   waited out of respect for Hazel who lost her battle in the   early hours of Friday morning. RIP beautiful girl...your   battle was immense but you can rest now ❤

  After work on Thursday, I spent the afternoon in the   Tantangara area hiking and falling over in the mud. I   hiked for around 4 hours, taking photos and enjoying the   company of quite a few brumbies. It was getting late,   and   as I made my way out of the dam area I was   planning on   heading home. When I got to the Long   Plain  gate I should   have turned right, but instead I   turned left...telling myself   I'd just take a quick look   around the Kiandra area and t   then head home.

  As luck would have it I came across Harry's mob, and I   was excited to see them because I'd taken a photo of their   new foal the week before but it wasn't very good. Mama   was very protective and wouldn't allow me close enough,   so I thought I'd pull over and see if this week would allow   me a closer look.

As I started walking towards the mob, I noticed Harry and Gus had their attention focused a little further down the hill, and I thought there must have been another mob close by.  I took a few photos, and then got curious about why Gus was so agitated with whatever was down the hill. I headed down that way, but couldn't see another mob anywhere. I was about to turn around and sit with Harry and the mob when I noticed a little tail wagging from behind some trees.

That's when I discovered Annie. I looked around for her mob and even though there was another mob not far away, they seemed to have no interest in her. She had take refuge in a little triangle of trees. It was her safety zone. She didn't appear to be injured, but she was weak and obviously hungry.

I sat with her a bit, and she came out and suckled my hand but went back to her triangle when she realised there was nothing to be gained from my hand. It was late and I knew I couldn't leave her there alone, but I also knew I needed to find help. I reluctantly left her there and headed to a nearby campground to seek help. My pleas for help went unanswered at the campground, so I drove a little way up the road to get phone service. By this time I was getting frantic and planning to spend the night in the bush. Thankfully Nikki and Kyle answered my call for help and they came to the rescue. The three of us guided this little angel to their vehicle and she was such a trooper, making the task much easier than it could have been. So, Annie is now safely in the hands of White Alpine Equine being well taken care of. 

Apart from being dehydrated and very hungry she appears to be in good health. 

I'd had such a big day and I was exhausted, but I'm so glad I made that split decision to turn left instead of right. It was a chain of events that unfolded in just the right way to lead me to Annie, and I'm so grateful for the help I received in getting her to safety. I am certain she would not have survived out there on her own, and that little triangle of trees she had claimed as a safe zone would not have protected her from starvation or wild dogs.

I cried most of the way home, mostly because I'm an emotional basket case at the best of times...but also because I was relieved that Fate had intervened and saved this beautiful little girl from certain death.

❤🐴❤🐴❤🐴❤" 🐎💕🐎 

 I like to think that the stallions Harry and Gus knew that Annie’s only chance was with humans, as nature works on natural selection. Instinct tells the horses or most other mammals really that one that will survive and the one that does not. Stories similar to Annie's are widespread, whether it be a horse, a donkey, an elephant, or a lion cub. 🐎🐘🐒  To strengthen this, In my last venture, to Clearview Brumby Rescue QLD, I also observed the difference in the domesticated horses to the wild brumbies. The brumbies, seem more still and calmer, they think before they act, they seem to have an independence because of this,  that the domesticated horses do not seem to have, I put it down to the conditioning of the domesticated horse, as he from birth is directed and ordered, where the brumby was born free and in a equine family structure.  The question of freedom as well as the natural selection,  also became of value in the thinking process. 

Annie Unfinished Stage of drawing
I then as I was drawing Annie,  did a post while the drawing was at an unfinished stage. To note my thinking process.  Here I related the natural selection to that of our conditioning.
My Post was put up on St Valentines day 14th February 2022 and it read as follows;

Not sure if everyone has heard of little Annie. She was a filly found in the wild by wild life photographer Karen Ferguson.  Annie was alone, hiding between trunks of trees. She was rescued and White Alpine took her in. Despite their great efforts little Annie did not survive and eventually passed away. It broke many hearts hearing of her passing, and more so for Karen and White Alpine Equine.

 Wilderness is nature and nature works on the 'natural selection '.  We are so far removed from the wilderness, that we don't understand nature as well as we should. Hence we recreated a world of citadels and try to control nature and contain nature,  not thinking of the consequences of what we do to nature herself. These beautiful sentient beings belong in the wild. Nature wants them there and needs them there. 
We cannot change the past and our laws do not favour brumbies relating to the 'native' of things. Brumbies are post native and so are dandelions and many other fauna and flora. We cannot eradicate the past we should let nature re-establish herself and let her do what she does best, control her own wilderness by her natural selection of things. She will have a better answer than us.
The drawing of Annie is not finished yet and is still in progress.  My reference is one of Karen Ferguson's photos of when she first rescued little Annie. You can see Annie asking for help and love in those eyes. In which she got from Karen.  As I draw her, she to me, as I stare at her she stares back and asks me, 'why?'  I don't know why Annie, I really don't.  
But we are doing our best to try and save your brothers and sisters. My promise to you, Annie.
And you turn away and I see you now  happily running through the dandelions that are swaying in the breeze.   I see also your mum who waits patiently to join you, with a tear in her eye and asks herself why. 
Syndy 🌬🐎💙"




In memory of Sunshine a wild filly brumby, of the Sunshine Mob.
Born September 2020 died before Christmas 2020 

Oil Painting 'alla prima' on Stretched 12gm cotton canvas 
66cm x 56cm x 4cm
Photograph reference Karen Ferguson Wildlife Photographer

This little ray of Sunshine, was gifted to me by Karen Ferguson, telling me her story of Sunshine and the Sunshine mob. It follows the discourse of natural selection, as it did with Annie, but unlike Annie, she had no human intervention, and thus the discourse becomes more poignant.  

The story of Sunshine starts in 2020, when in September of 2020 she was born as part of the Sunshine family (Mob.).   This was witnessed by Karen Ferguson, and upon meeting the new bub she took some photographs of Sunshine.

Then eventually one day upon seeing the Sunshine mob, little Sunshine was not with them, and noting that they grazed nowhere near the traps it was understood, she met her end due to the tough environment touching on the natural selection. Little foals have a lot to contend with in the wild, right from birth. Even their own instinct to get up as soon as they are born, due to the ancestral instinct of being a vulnerable prey, as the smell of the placenta would attract many scavengers.   Then of course so many other factors as we know that the ‘wildernesses’ of things, is not a walk in the park. 

This was a special gift as not only does the story relay how unfair at times nature is but also why she has a natural selection, as this keeps numbers down naturally. There is a lot about horses that are so unique as we also know now how they easily spontaneously abort at the sight of danger, and so many other reasons that makes one understand how far removed we really are from nature herself and how little we really know ourselves on how she works.  

These beautiful sentients’ are unfortunately affected by our human condition and all that are ‘Prometheus’ citadels dish out.  More than words can say today. 

Sunshine was obviously mourned not only by her family but by Karen herself.  When Karen gifted this story to me,  she had just witnessed the reverse coin of still 'natural selection, for once again, in July 2022, the Sunshine mob welcomed another foal to their family. Sunshine was gone, but Smokey her brother, joined the mob two years after her passing, and little Smokey is still with us today. Let us hope that he fairs a better chance. A million to one chance of surviving to a full life as a Stallion of KNP. 

Smokey a wild brumby Born July 2022, 
Smokey is Sunshine's brother of the Sunshine mob.

Oil Painting 'alla prima' on Stretched 12gm cotton canvas 
66cm x 56cm x 4cm
Photograph reference Karen Ferguson Wildlife Photographer


This artwork has now also become the logo for 

Shadow's drawing was done prior to Annie and posted on the 4th February on FB.  Post as follows:


'I am the twilight of the wild dandelions, I am Shadow, I am the wild brumby ' 2021
Ink Rotring tikki graphic pens and china ink, white charcoal, on A3 white canson paper 225gm. Photo reference by Karen Ferguson

SHADOW is one of the lucky ones as a rehomed Wild brumby and resides now with Clearview Brumby Rescue QLD. His now forever home. He is a favourite of Karen Ferguson and she misses him. He is a favourite of mine I choose my artwork carefully, and as I choose each brumby for an artwork, each has a story to tell, and each speak to me ethereally. Shadow became a favourite of mine and when Moreen Levin communicated that they had him, I was sad but delighted as I knew he is in good hands.
Shadow is the twilight of the wild dandelions as we take each horse from the wild, each is another mark of disgrace to our laws and government. Man wants to change everything and regulate everything he abstracts the world with his wants his thoughts and his art. I draw and paint what I see, for nature has created beauty that can only be the reflection of ones soul. Then a thought came to mind as I stared at the photograph of Shadow and He said to me; 'You can take me out of the mountain, but you cannot take the mountain out of ME. His name remains 'Shadow' he remains a wild brumby. He remains what nature intended. What should be what ought to be. What is regardless what we do. Cheers Syndy Visual Artist & Brumby Advocate 🐎💕🐎🎨


While visiting Clearview Brumby Rescue, in Thangool,  I met Shadow in person, making my stated discussion all the more poignant.  🐎🐎🐎🐎🐎 . 

Shadow was in the process of being 'handled' and in watching this brumby stomp and snort not at me but to the person that was trying to 'dominate' him as Shadow saw it. He snorted and stomped and snorted.  He was just touching him gently, nothing more, but he reacted as if he was being challenge by a stallion. Funny thing was the handler was male.  He acted different to the other handlers. It seemed he understood this person wanted him to follow rather than lead, and he did not like that.  He eventually did, but with a look of well, indescribable only to say, and  someone said ' ...HOO,  what's that look for?...' . 

I had then myself the occasion to sit in Shadow's confined area and on a plastic bin, I sat, and with pencil and sketch pad started to sketch. He just kept moving, making my task so difficult, I only got 20 second sketches at best. Then he turned and came up to me and gave me a little tiny snort, like to say 'what do you want?'  I looked up pointed my pencil and said "don't snort at me I'm here to draw you.'  I then bowed my head like to greet him as they would to each other. He turned away went to eat and came back. He was so gentle and beautiful. But he was not sure of what I wanted. He sort of let me stay, looking every now and then at what I was up to,  but then he bothered me so much that I stopped drawing and tried to caress him. I did a couple of times. He was beautiful and I am sure he remembered Karen sitting with him, I just felt he remembered that. Shadow,  unlike Spirit of the Mountain is a young wild horse, that had he remained in the wild would one day have been a king of stallions like Spirit or King of the Gate. He was a bachelor when caught.  This beautiful intelligent boy, will only be commanded not demanded as he will set his stakes.  Not you.  That was my first time in sitting in a confined space with a Wild brumby.  He will always be free in his mind, just like Spirit. Regardless of any conditioning or acceptance of their conditioning, as they are the 'spirit of what a brumby is', and will always be in spirit, a wild brumby.  He will one day be a riding horse maybe, but he will always be free in his head, running through KNP and stomping on the dandelions. 

You can see the training mentioned here in process in the film link below:




The argument of not just the native but that of the labels that are placed upon the brumby are looked, in this section . 

In Argument, because brumbies are deemed 'feral',  explaining it as a wild horse that was once domesticated and was left in the wild,  the brumby once taken out of the wild is considered then,  no longer a brumby but a horse. Not that I agree with this.  He  also cannot be named as a breed as he has no 'particular lineage' and the fight to call him at least a 'type' is on the cards. 
Prometheus and the play of words, that creates safety or destroys an animal, is here on show at its best. To give you an example, in the 1970's a dog was either pure breed or a mix or a mut. I had a pure breed pedigree miniature dog called Minou'.  Beautiful boy he was too.  Very expensive and with a pedigree that made 'anyone' feel like a mut. 

Then someone very smart, decided to interbreed to create a healthier 'breed' as they noted, and started the 'Designer Dog'.  So for example my now dog,  Matisse',  a 'Cavoodle', being a cross between a Charles Cavalier and a Miniature Poodle is not a cross or a mut as he would have been considered in the 70's but a now in 2022, a very expensive designer dog. Not to mention that would my very expensive designer dog go missing and end up in KNP he would then be considered a feral dog and poisoned too, another Prometheus 'beauty meets the beast'.  Therefore then, the question I pose now, is SHADOW a brumby still? Is he still wild? Or is he now a designer brumby?  This reminds me of Shakespeare where Juliette says regarding Romeo ' A rose by any other name would smell as sweet'.  I now relate this to Shadow. 

We have always a need to name and label, not just for identification, but also for the more complex reason of ownership,  the sense of being in power and having the ability and right to name something.  Hence, we name our children and our pets. Shadow was named by a photographer, and he retains the name as the rehomer, retained the name.  Elby's Dad another Brumby that was rehomed, became Spirit of the mountain, once rehomed. It is a normal progression of our human condition, regarding ownership. But the argument remains as to what is Shadow now, a horse or a brumby?  For me its not even a thought. He is a brumby and that is it. He will always be a brumby, and like the Waler or the Australian stock horse, he should remain a 'Brumby'. Not feral, not just a mut horse,  a Brumby, or better still a designer horse, a horse that was designed by nature once it was let wild, and developed into a breed called the BRUMBY.  Be it wild or rehomed Shadow will always be a BRUMBY.  

One last note, if we have the Waler that was established as a breed, and  ' The Waler' has a sad story as no blood lines are recognised after 1945.   This therefore, makes the Brumby a very important ancestor and in my view the Brumby should be taken seriously into consideration.  🐎🐎🐎   The Australian pony and the Australian stock horse, is recognised as a breed, they too started like the brumby now, a mix of many horses,  but done so domestically,  so surely we can eventually establish the Brumby as  a breed not just a type and definitely not a feral pest. 🐎🐎🐎 Remember we humans set the rules and rules can change.  I vote for breed.  Not just type. 


The Story of 

Mischief  & Aussie
'Where the sun shines & the Earth is gold' 2022

'Where the sun shines & the Earth is gold' 2022

 'Alla Prima' Oil on stretched canvas 66cm x 56cm
Photo references Mischief (right) and Aussie at Clearview Brumby Rescue QLD

Honestly when Moreen sent the picture of Mischief and Aussie,  I just fell in love with them.

We here touch the 'Prometheus' in the rehoming;  if these two foals were born in the wild  their chances of survival reverts back  to a natural 'natural selection'. In explanation, when  a wild horse is rehomed they have vets that take care of all ailments as well as the 'duty of care' once the animal is yours. That is as a wild horse is taken out of the wild the horse becomes the property of the person that 'rehomes' the horse. As to the idea of property in our citadel laws. Many may think that you can just rehome them and let them be as they would in the wild. But truth has it, that once they are taken form the wild they then are subject to our governmental laws just as they would in the wild. The difference is that you must take care of the horse, you cannot just leave them be.  

 When mares are trapped, they may be in foal and unfortunately and that may also mean that due to stress, they eventually spontaneously abort so some lose their foal, others are born premature and others are not affected. It is a numbers gain as to the personality also of the mares. 

Therefore the primary rehomers do everything in their power to calm the brumbies as they get off the rehoming trucks, so to minimise the stress.  Contact is minimal at the necessity and they slowly introduce themselves so the brumbies gain trust to 'humans'.  Then of course the rehomers also contend with vet bills for worming, injuries, and for all the births and maintenance of the foals, then of course all the geldings.  Rehoming is not all roses, and many things can go wrong. But the assurance that the brumbies have a better chance is real, that they may thrive and live happily is also real. 

Without the laws changing any time soon,  rehoming is the only real answer for them, as if lethally culled these two little ones that you will meet next, may have been spontaneously aborted if their mums had been shot and left to die. 

The story begins at Clearview Brumby Rescue and of actual events that took place in 2022.


Where the sun shines & the Earth is gold .

Mischief and Aussie were born in September 2022 at Clearview Brumby Rescue. Their mums, Sassy and Scarlet came from Kosciuszko National Park. Both expecting, they were trapped and arrived at Clearview Brumby rescue in July 2022.

In September 2022, Mischief and Aussie were born. Sassy a bay mare had Mischief and Scarlet a chestnut mare had the filly called Aussie. Sassy and Scarlett were placed in the same pen to birth and lay side by side and Mischief and Aussie were both born on the same day a few hours or so apart.

Mischief was born first, and as soon as he got up, he was up to no good. Mischief decided to investigate, and he ended up in the pen next door where another mare Goldie, with her foal Rain, were. But Mischief never found his way back to his real mum. Goldie got confused as she found herself feeding two foals and, in the meantime, Scarlet was still delivering her foal and Sassy was missing one. When Sassy finally got up and in not seeing her own foal, she decided to take Scarlett's foal as Scarlett was still laying down too tired just after delivering her bub. Eventually Scarlet got up and found herself alone without a foal as Sassy had stolen hers.

The next morning, Grandma and Grandpa (Moreen and Paul) went into the pens to find a real kerfuffle. They found Mischief next door, Sassy with Scarlet's foal and Scarlet was all alone without a foal, brooding in a corner. So they swapped back the foals to the rightful mums, but found Mischief was his naughty self, thus the 'grandparents' decided to put all 3 mares in the same pen, to let them work it out, by themselves. It was a bit of a kerfuffle for a bit, especially between Sassy and Scarlet, but they worked it out themselves. The result was that Sassy kept Aussie, and Scarlett kept Mischief, hence swapped foals. For now they are living all together, and the foals are sharing milk between the three mares, so a happy ending after all. !!
